Discover the joy of African music & dance!
Africa Night Has Moved!
Africa Night Has Moved!

Africa Night Has Moved!

After about 7 years in partycentrum Albatros (and around 2 years in Paradox), Africa Night has moved to a new location. From January 2007 Africa Night is held in Cultuurbos Bosvreugd, Reeshofdijk 12 in Tilburg.

This new chapter in the history of Africa Night gives the organiser of the dance party more creative space in taking Africa Night to the next level. As a result of its strategic location, one could organise summer events like barbecues and bring in more live shows and entertainment, just to mention but a few of the advantages of the new location. Above all, Cultuurbos Bosvreugd is a place that is easier to find than the present location.
Africa Night
We will continue to do our best to entertain you in the years ahead. You can always count on us. We hope we can continue to count on you too.

See you all in the Cultuurbos Bosvreugd!