Africa Night Is 16 Countries & 4 Continents In One Night
Africa Night Is 16 Countries & 4 Continents In One Night

Africa Night Is 16 Countries & 4 Continents In One Night

Our appreciation to all who came to the 2nd edition of Africa Night Exclusive Party in Moergestel. During the 1st edition we were asking ourselves “Where are they men?” During this 2nd edition, the men answered and said “Look, here we are!” We are glad that in spite of the adjustments we all have to make (location, size, time and prepaid ticket only), once inside, people seem to set everything aside and just have full fun. Period!

We have deliberately chosen this new setup for a number of reasons. One of these is to be able to keep costs low for Africa Nighters and ourselves while we continue to organise Africa Night in the face of the rising costs of living and inflation. A 2nd reason (and really the most important one) is to have one cosy, exclusive moment every month for Africa Nighters who are just interested in having fun amongst friends without any hassle. This is more so given the times we are going through now. The emphasis of the exclusive party is not on a big crowd in a big hall. The emphasis is on quality and not quantity, on the die-hard lovers of the music and not on spectators. When we are inside, it becomes an intimate party of friends.

Having said all of the above, it was very heart-warming to see that more lovers of Africa Night discovered Moergestel during this 2nd edition. And even though it took people a while to find their way to the dance floor, once Africa Nighters got on the dance floor, it was fire! And then there was the spontaneous country roll call!

The umbrella that keeps us close and huddled together every month has always been the common love of African music. A lot of people outside Africa Night will never understand that Africa Night is not just for Africans but for everyone who loves good music. The best music out there in the last years has been Afrobeats. So we decided on the spur of the moment to do a roll call of nations. We actually stopped the music to acknowledge every country that was present during this 2nd exclusive night. This was the result! Morocco, Senegal, Kenya, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Cape Verde, Gambia, The Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Curacao, Suriname, Ecuador, Brazil, & India! People from 4 continents (Africa, Europe, South America & Asia) were represented! The common denominator? Afrobeats!

Enough said! See you all for the December edition of Africa Night Exclusive Party in Moergestel. Only for the hard core lovers of Afrobeats!