Discover the joy of African music & dance!
Africa Night Nijmegen and Mother Nature
Africa Night Nijmegen and Mother Nature

Africa Night Nijmegen and Mother Nature

When an Africa Night has faced the icy weather in the past, there was usually a winner. Africa Night always wins the battle without a shred of a doubt. But then we are talking of the mother of them all Africa Night Tilburg (ANT). Whatever nature threw at ANT, it shrugged and the crowd always would pull a long tongue and just came and did their thing. But now Africa Night Tilburg has a little sister by the name of Africa Night Nijmegen (ANN) and just in its 4th month of existence, it got into a mammoth battle with Mother Nature.
Africa Night

Europe is going through a very cold, snowy and icy spell and little ANN got caught up in that battle. Going by history we predicted a knockout for ANN. But in the end, it ended in a draw. That close to 100 people even came at all is a great testimony to the resilience of the Africa Night crowd. We will continue to shout it to all who want to hear; Africa Night has the best set of music lovers ever! Those who braved the slippery and dangerous weather made sure they had fun there. It was a joy to watch people just give their body away to the music.
Africa Night
Of course as with every Africa Night, some people still drove 2 or 3 hours just to come and be part of the fun. We had people from as far as Hoorn, Groningen, Venlo, Utrecht, Rotterdam and even a whole contingent from Germany. We like to thank you all. You are the reasons we do this. When the going gets tough, the Africa Night crowd just gets going.
Africa Night
Let’s meet again next month to have more fun. Bring all your friends too. Together we can bring down the house during the next edition of Africa Night Nijmegen. See you all on the 3rd of March 2012!