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Africa Night – Reflections
Africa Night – Reflections

Africa Night – Reflections

That was it then. Africa Night has outlived 2007. What a year it’s been. We moved to the new location at the beginning of the year not knowing what to expect. At the end of the year, we could look back to the most successful Africa Night year ever! It’s been a year when we tried new things and charted new territories.
Africa Night
We’ve made new friends and consolidated old alliances. Bosvreugd is proving to be like a natural home to Africa Night. Joost (the owner of Bosvreugd) proved to be a reliable partner and keeps sharing his thoughts about how to make Africa Night even better. The guests seem to be having more fun.
Africa Night
We had our first live show for ages. The barbecue in August and the diner in December were new introductions to the Africa Night experience. Africa Night celebrated its 9th anniversary in 2007. We introduced the Africa Night forums (English & Dutch) both of which have proved a great addition to our little adventure.
Africa Night
The website was restyled and an E-card function was incorporated in the Africa Night website. At the end of the year, Africa Night got one of the best reviews as one of the friendliest and best shows to go to when going out in Tilburg. (Check out the review in Tilburg: de Anus van Nederland – Rene van Densen).
Africa Night
One of our longstanding crew member, Maureen, left this year to pursue greener pastures in Sweden. Linda and Joep joined the crew as Maureen’s replacement. On the negative side, some guests behaved badly and were promptly suspended from coming to Africa Night.
Africa Night
But overall, it was a year to remember for all the positive reasons. So much so that we are thinking of extending the Africa Night bandwagon to a second Dutch city in 2008. (watch this space!)

In all we could not have had a great year without the selfless support of people like Abdou and Yaya who always are present to lend a hand during the busy moments or at moments when the guest behaved badly. To all the ladies (you know who you are!) who gave us pep talks whenever these were needed; I say a big thank you.
Africa Night
To Lanre in Poland, who with a couple of the ladies (diehards) virtually kept the English forum alive; you have been a big help. To all our Dutch forum members; you are the best!
Africa Night