Discover the joy of African music & dance!
Africa Night Rotterdam train has arrived!
AAffrriiccaa NNiigghhtt RRootttteerrddaamm ttrraaiinn hhaass aarrrriivveedd!!

Africa Night Rotterdam train has arrived!

So after several months of preparation and anticipation, Africa Night finally hit the city of Rotterdam last Saturday 13 of March 2010. Even though one did not know what to expect, the indications were that Africa Night might become a hit in Rotterdam. Still after all the preceding hard work, it was a strange feeling during the night itself to just sit nervously back and watch how the night was going to unfold.
Africa Night Rotterdam
From the moment the first guest came in, it was obvious that our effort was going to bear some fruits. Rotterdam was always going to bring its own dynamics. It turns out a lot of people found the location a bit too difficult to find. And some, mostly the few who knew about the ambiance of Africa Night in Tilburg, were surprised to be met by security guards at the door. Being frisked was never a part of Africa Night experience. But hey, the world is changing. It is the sign of the times. (Please note: starting from the March edition Africa Night, even in Tilburg, everyone will be frisked!)
Africa Night Rotterdam
But once the guest came inside, they just seemed to take in the Africa Night atmosphere and enjoyed themselves to the maximum. Some things were naturally different than the organisers were used to, but the music was the same and just as entertaining as ever. The night went on till about 04.15 hours when the guests seemed to have had their fill.
Africa Night Rotterdam
In the end there were more people than one had expected but less than one had hoped for. To be sure, for a first Africa Night in Rotterdam, the attendance is very encouraging. Judging by the reactions of the guests, Africa Night Rotterdam can look forward to a bright future in Rotterdam. There were lots of positives to take away and build on in the coming months. We have a lot of work ahead. However we have always perceived working hard for Africa Night as a luxury problem. Somehow, we will always find the energy to make Africa Night better.

The Africa Night train has arrived in Rotterdam and the city will never be the same!