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Africa Night Tilburg – Send down the rain!
Africa Night Tilburg – Send down the rain!

Africa Night Tilburg – Send down the rain!

Rain rain go away come again another day, Africa Night is coming to town! This was without doubt the rainiest edition of Africa Night Tilburg ever. Once it started raining on the Africa Night afternoon, it just kept pouring non-stop. Given that this edition fell in the middle of the month and in the vacation season, we knew this was going to be the least visited Africa Night Tilburg edition so far in 2011. We knew or better said, we thought we knew! Apparently the Africa Night patrons are made of sterner stuff than we imagined.
Africa Night
And until about 23.45 hours, we were on course to being proven right with only about 20 people sitting forlornly in the dance hall. But then the monthly Africa Night miracle began. First in ones and then in twos and finally in hordes, the Africa Night party-goers descended on the dance venue like bees in search of honey. In less than half an hour, the dance floor transformed from a deserted desert into a merrily overfull and joyous dance arena.
Africa Night
Africa Night
Did the rain stop? No! Even as we are writing this, 2 days later, it is still raining like no man’s business. We think the party-goers just needed their monthly dosages of Africa Night. You see, most times, we interact with our guests and sometimes their logic is so charming and amazing. For example, this lady who came from Nijmegen gave us the masterpiece of the Africa Night logic. In Nijmegen on the same night was the start of the yearly party preceding the legendary 4-day march which attracts tens of thousands of people around the globe. This pre-party is always the place. So why did she choose Africa Night above the biggest party in her city? Because of the rain! Those parties are also mostly held indoors. But this Africa Night lover chose to drive about 80 kilometres in the rainstorm just to get away from the rain in Nijmegen to the rain in Tilburg! That is the Africa Night logic for you. That is why the Africa Night guests are the most special ones anyone could wish for. Ms. M. if you are reading this, we are really glad you also started your birthday party last Saturday at our show.
Africa Night
Africa Night
Thank you all for the love, for the music, for your kind words and for helping to spread the word every time. But mostly, we thank you for just coming to have fun. We hope to see you again in 5 weeks. So let’s do it all over again then.