Discover the joy of African music & dance!
Africa Night Tilburg – The never ending love story
Africa Night Tilburg – The never ending love story

Africa Night Tilburg – The never ending love story

One of the aspects of Africa Night that many don’t know is the preparation that goes into making a typical Africa Night go smoothly. We will not bore you with the whole stuff we have to do. Let’s just say, once one Africa Night finishes, work already begins with the new one. In short, it takes us 4 (sometimes 5) weeks to prepare for 5 hours of Africa Night.
Africa Night
The next Africa Night always begins with the evaluation of the last one. The first part of the evaluation is always right after everybody has gone home. We sit there with the owner of the club and we compare notes about how the night went. We take notes of the good, the bad, and the unexpected part of that particular Africa Night. In most cases, the club owners always choose to highlight the unflattering parts of the night. We listen and we learn and the next time, we act. We are used to this. But it always felt like a one way lecture.
Africa Night
At the current location, the vibes are markedly different though. We evaluate the night from the positives angle. The club owner is a guy who is really very open. He says what he thinks and we say what we think. We compare notes and mostly, we almost always come to the same conclusion. Because of this openness, we are both constantly looking for ways of making the Africa Night experience even more enjoyable for our guests. After the July edition of Africa Night for example, we told him about the fact that the guests complained that it was too hot. There is actually an air conditioner in the club, he said. He will go and give it a short service and will be on next month if the weather so dictate. Now, that’s our type of man. No bla bla, just instant action!
Africa Night
This has always been the way it is since we moved to Partycentrum Oase. This positive attitude is felt by the guests too. They have been coming in their droves. From the people behind the bar to the security men, everyone is in sync. That is why Africa Night Tilburg is flourishing more than ever before. Africa Night feels at home where it is now. It puts a spring in our legs when we are preparing for the next Africa Night in Tilburg.