Discover the joy of African music & dance!
African music meets heavy metal!
African music meets heavy metal!

African music meets heavy metal!

Some things change, some things never. It never seizes to amaze us how much things stay the same, just because they change and how much thing change just because they stay the same. Do you get what we are saying? Ok. It is a different year, but the way the January edition of Africa Night unfolded, it could just have been like the tens of other Africa Nights that were exciting and just pure fun to be at. Some things stay the same just by changing!
Africa Night
For one, dj Le General came in and announced that he was going to play a different kind of music on the night. And he did. And the public reacted like always in the same enthusiastic way they would have if he had played in his ‘normal’ way.
Africa Night
There were a lot of new faces at this, the maiden edition of Africa Night in 2008. But what’s new? It is always the same mix of new and old faces at our shows. That, we think, is why the show stays fresh and nice. And the young, cute couple from Amsterdam? It was especially nice to host them! They just came across our website (what’s new again?) and just decided to give it a go. Well they stayed through the whole show and we were glad to entertain them.
Africa Night
But the highlight of this show has to be Mieke who was also attending Africa Night for the first time. She attended after several months of persuasion from one of her colleagues who always graces our shows. It was very apparent at the beginning that she needed to make a little adjustment to the setting and the music. However, in the course of the evening you could see her initial discomfort being replaced by amazement and complete relaxation. She obviously was enjoying herself. It wasn’t until the end of the show and we got talking that we realised the magnitude of the adjustment she had to make. When asked if she had fun, you could see her eyes light up as she nodded, “I really enjoyed myself very much. And to think I am a heavy metal music lover!” That made our night!
Africa Night