Discover the joy of African music & dance!
Inspite of the odds, Africa Night is a winner!
Inspite of the odds, Africa Night is a winner!

Inspite of the odds, Africa Night is a winner!

We knew it was going to be a huge night. And huge it was. From the moment the first 4 guys came dancing inside, we knew it was going to be that kind of night when only an act of God, could keep the guests off the dance floor. At the end of the very eventful night, we were more than proved right. It was a night when everything just jelled in the right kind of way. Even when the odd guys started making trouble with each other because of a girl, the other guest just went on dancing like it was the last ever Africa Night!
Africa Night
Africa Night
Like we wrote already on our bilingual forum, we might start looking into the feasibility of organising an “Africa Night for Idiots.” This will specially be for guys who to go to a party, pay €5.00 and for whatever reasons begin to fight instead of just having fun. Some of those guys turned up during this show. It is just a pity that we have to sometimes dissipate our energy trying to point out the stupidity and futility of their actions. Of course it always ends up with us sending the guys home. So you take a shower, put on your party clothes, drive sometimes 100 kilometres to get to Africa Night, spend 20 minutes inside and put on your boxing gloves because you apparently forgot your dancing shoes and senses at home. We can see it in front of us already. “Africa Night for Idiots” could well be the next biggest event in the land!
Africa Night
However, once these people were shown the door, one could get on just feeling the positive vibrations blowing through the Tilburg air. We have not seen so many smiling but sweaty faces for a while. The deejay was on top of his game, but the guests made his night too. The image that stayed with us throughout the night is the image of the German couple who drove all the way from Stuttgart (530 km) with their Kenya daughter. Their daughter has been to Africa Night before and liked it so much she invited her adopted parents to join the party. This couple had so much fun, it was like they were enjoying a second youth at the Africa Night. We are sure they’ll be back! We sure had lot’s of fun seeing them have so much fun.
Africa Night
So ladies and gentlemen, the first half of Africa Night in 2009 is behind us now. If the first 6 months of Africa Night in 2009 is a sign of things to come in the second half of the year, then we are all in for another great year. Africa Night will continue to strive to do its best to entertain you!