Discover the joy of African music & dance!
Re: video van de site verdwenen
Re: video van de site verdwenen

Re: video van de site verdwenen

Dag mensen,

Er stond zo’n leuk filmpje op de site van .. (name withheld) dansend met een jonger meisje. Waarom is dat van de site verdwenen? Zet het aub op Youtube, dan kunnen we ervan blijven genieten. Want foto-slides zijn echt geen reclame voor jullie, dit soort filmpjes wel!
Hartelijke groet!

Please if you don’t understand Dutch use Google translate to understand what is written above.

Africa Night – white people can dance!To those who say white people can’t dance, we say you are wrong! Check the young lady here. To those who say white people can’t dance, we say you have never been to Africa Night 🙂

Posted by Africa Night on Sunday, 17 January 2016


We were going to write a completely different blog until we got this mail today. We were going to tell you about the love that you (the guests) showed during the February edition of Africa Night. We were going to write about the unique spirit of Africa Night where young and old, black and white, Muslims and Christians etc. meet and interact. This was evident again in February. We were going to tell you about 2 people who were special guests of the house last Saturday. We were going to tell about the rain, the sun and wind.


Africa Night monthly dance out – Short editAs usual the October 2015 edition of Africa Night Tilburg ends with Brenda Fassie and the Africa Night guests doing their usual thing.

Posted by Africa Night on Sunday, 18 October 2015


But now we are just going to tell you about the letter above. We have replied to mail. Please see our reaction below. Once again if you don’t understand Dutch, Google translate is your best friend 🙂

Bedankt voor je mailtje. Een aantal feiten zetten wij voor jou op een rijtje;

  • Het filmpje waar je op refereerde is NOOIT op de website geweest!
  • Dat filmpje verscheen op onze Facebook pagina
  • Het filmpje is nu bijna 7000 keer op Facebook bekeken en het is en blijft op Facebook!
  • Je hebt gelijk. Een dergelijk filmpje zegt veel meer over de sfeer van Africa Night dan fotoslides maar vanwege copyright issues m.b.t. de muziek kunnen wij het niet op Youtube plaatsen. Tenzij jij bereid bent de boete (wat in de miljoenen kan oplopen) voor ons te betalen!
  • Meer van dit soort video’s zijn op onze Facebook pagina te vinden. Ze zullen er ook blijven totdat Facebook, net zoals Youtube, problemen gaat maken.

M.a.w. de feiten en de realiteiten zijn soms anders dan men weet en/of denkt. Wel leuk dat jij ook van het filmpje hebt genoten. Kijk op onze Facebook pagina Ga naar de video rubriek en geniet!

Met vriendelijke groet

Africa Night

The Legends of Africa Night TilburgAt the December 2015 edition of Africa Night Tilburg there was a spontaneous one-song salute to those Africa Nighters who have kept coming from the time Africa Night was in her first location. They are the Legends of Africa Night. A big thank you to you all!

Posted by Africa Night on Tuesday, 22 December 2015


As you can see, a lot of what goes on behind the scenes is never known and rightly so! We do what we do with love and dedication. It is our job to organise. It is our job to provide you as always with a hassle-free show. We are happy that many of you always think with us. If something is not clear enough to you please always ask! As you can see in the mail, the sender (and we bet most people) do not know why we don’t put some of the videos on Youtube. We are happy to have had this opportunity to clear that up. Hopefully, enough people will read this and understand that it is not our choice not to put those videos on Youtube.


Mbalax @ Africa Night TilburgPeople dancing Mbalax at Africa Night Tilburg.

Posted by Africa Night on Sunday, 20 December 2015


As long as Facebook permits, we will always put some videos with people dancing to the music there. We used to do that on Youtube until Youtube started blocking those videos or asking us to take the videos down because of copyright issues. We cannot complain. The artists have to protect their own interest too!


Africa Night = One Love, One Heart!When music hits you feel no pain!

Posted by Africa Night on Friday, 4 December 2015


Ask us a question when in doubt. We learn always from each other. For those who have missed those atmospheric videos we hope you will be happy with this blog full of some of our videos on Facebook. Check and for more videos. While there, don’t forget to like the pages.


Fun at Africa Night Tilburg in November 2015Dancing to the Zambian hit Amarula by Roberto during Africa Night Tilburg in November 2015

Posted by Africa Night on Saturday, 21 November 2015


2 more things.

  1. The dress code for the March edition is Retro 1970s. We are looking forward to your baggy trousers and wigs!
  2. You, the guests of Africa Night, are the best! #justsaying!