September 2018; 5 Saturdays and the 3rd falling right in the middle of the month. Ingredient for a confusing and superficial Africa Night Tilburg. Once we saw the dates at the beginning of the year we immediately marked September as the trickiest month in 2018.
So many people are going to be disappointed this coming Saturday 22nd September. We are preparing the Africa Night Productions voice mail for all the calls we are going to get from people who are going to stand in front of a closed door in Tilburg. They are going to be asking why nobody is there for Africa Night Tilburg A lot of them are going to have a laugh at themselves because they have confused the 3rd for the 4th Saturday of the month People always do when a month has 5 weekends. Now they will have to wait another 5 weeks for the October edition of Africa Night Tilburg.
Happily though, the guests who came had loads of fun. There was the usual fun and banter. We gave DJ Nas some more time behind the music desk and DJ Aziz was there to serve as a mentor. Talking of music and DJ’s, a funny thing happened. A guy came all the way from Belgium because he loved the way the DJ played there earlier this month! Why funny? Because a couple of people did not like the way the DJ played there the last time! It tells you how difficult it is to satisfy everybody at the same time. But we will continue to do our best to satisfy you.
All your feedback are appreciated and taken seriously. You might not notice it immediately but sooner or later we incorporate the more constructive suggestions into our operations. Have a nice week and enjoy the 5 week break before the next Africa Night Tilburg. Use the time to practise your dance steps for the next edition And if you cannot wait 5 weeks, please join us for Africa Night Belgium on Saturday 6 October 2018!