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The Africa Night 2012 party season begins.
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The Africa Night 2012 party season begins.

There we go again! The first Africa Night of the Gregorian year 2012 has just come and gone. In a way it was a strange one. Not in the least because it was the first time ever that Africa Night Tilburg would not take the honour of being the first Africa Night of the year. This year the honour fell to the current youngest member of the Africa Night City family, Nijmegen. It was strange because we’ve never had an Africa Night so early in January before. But going from the experience of the years gone by, we knew that any January edition of Africa Night was going to be a “slow” one. This is because of the very expensive December month in The Netherlands (The “Sinterklaas”, the Xmas and the New Year celebrations).
Africa Night
For a new city like Nijmegen, this meant we would have been happy with just a third of the average crowd we had during the first 2 editions. In the end, and despite the very long wait before the party really got swinging, we had more than two thirds of the crowd partying at this edition. And what a joy it was to see one of the great Africa Night Tilburg phenomenon play out in Nijmegen. More than half of those who came this time around were new people who heard of it through friends and/or found it through the internet on our website. This means that we are always welcoming new people to ANN which keeps it fresh and exciting.
Africa Night
Just like its big sister Tilburg, Africa Night Nijmegen is already producing some highlights that make each edition stand out from the other. This time around we had groups of Liberians and Angolans dominating the dance floor. And with Angolans that meant some Kudoro dance moves! See the short video here for some after party moves by the guys. But for us the two best dancers of the night were two ladies from Arnhem who just blew us away with their very natural dance moves.
Africa Night
Whatever happens, Africa Night Nijmegen is here to stay and that means more fun in 2012. See you every first Saturday of the month in Nijmegen!