And women too!
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During the December edition of Africa Night Belgium a high proportion of men (and women) were very camera shy. Some politely turned their backs while some just said not to take their pictures. The most memorable encounter was the person who was very verbally violent and abusive in their outburst. This person would have probably physically attacked the photographer if there was not a table serving as a barrier between them. Such was the venom and anger of this person towards the photographer! To be certain, the photographer was just asking this person politely if they would like their picture to be taken. It wasn’t like the photographer took a picture first. Imagine what would have happened if the picture had been taken without consent. Don’t even imagine! Oh by the way, in case you are thinking it was a guy, you are wrong! It was a woman! Her face went even whiter and then turned so red in the dimly-lit club that she was practically glowing in the dark!
However, we are in a funny mood so here are the top 7 reasons why men (and women) don’t want their pictures taken at Africa Night since we introduced the photographer in 2002
. Number 1 is very funny but also true as hell!
Secret agents! No joke! Some people apparently work in very secret organisations that don’t permit them to go to parties. So when they secretly come they want to be as anonymous as possible. The funny thing though is that sometimes these same CIA and KGB agents are everywhere on Facebook sharing their own pictures and that of their families, friends, workplaces and colleagues on a daily basis!
- African family lives matter!
“Please don’t take my picture, I don’t want my family in Africa to see I am enjoying in Europe!”
Strange but true! The Africa Night photographer hears this a lot. Why family in Africa would object or take offence to their adult siblings having fun in Europe beats us!
- Bad memories and disappointment! Many times some people don’t want their pictures taken because of the memories or lack of it they have of the previous time their pictures were taken! Mainly this is because they actually posed for a picture and they go online and never found the picture! So they are disappointed and don’t want to pose this time.
“You never put my pictures online so why should I pose for you?!”
There are 2 main reasons why some pictures are not online or why people can’t find their pictures. 1. The picture did not come out as planned and we don’t want to put a bad one online. We respect our guests and would never knowingly put pictures there that would put people in a bad light. 2. People are looking at the wrong place! A lot of people just check on Facebook and never on the website. We only put a few pictures on Facebook! All the pictures are here on our website. Just click on the photos/foto’s menu!
- Bad experience. Sometimes a bad experience from the past make some people not want to fall for the same mistake twice. Sometimes when you see some party pictures that some event organisers upload, you will understand why some people are afraid of having their pictures taken at any event. Open legs, open gaping mouths, closed eyes, awkward positions etc. are some of the things even we see in many party pictures on Facebook and other online pages. So people are generally very careful. Our advice? When you see the photographer approach you, just strike a pose and let him/her take a best picture of you! That is why at Africa night we almost always take 2 pictures of the same people every time. If one is bad we can always use the other one!
Someone is really camera-shy. Some people feel they are not photogenic so they try as much as possible to avoid the photographer. But that is never true. Everyone is camera-made. People just need to trust the camera and the photographer more. It is the digital age. Just ask the photographer to take as many pictures of you as possible. Surely there will be at least 1 good picture in between. The rest can be deleted.
Somebody has told a lie! There are many adults who apparently have the need to lie at home to be able to go out and enjoy themselves. So someone night be camera-shy even when they are standing alone. This is almost always because they have told their partners they are with friends or families in Groningen or Brussels when in fact they are just going to Africa Night in Hechtel or Tilburg! More often, it is because of another lie!
The guy has a wife! Many times the photographer sees a couple that looks seeming good together. The lady is posing and the guy suddenly ducks and moves aside. If you are the lady and you guys just met there, then you know he has a wife or a girlfriend or both. That is probably why he does not want to be seen with you even though he had told you how much he loves and wants to be with you! If it is the lady who ducks, guys you know enough!
Post script:
What many forget is one of the house rules on our website which says;
During Africa Night pictures and/or recordings are taken for promotional activities, the Africa Night website, reportorial activities etc. By buying a ticket and entering the venue the visitor gives their permission to Africa Night Productions to use these pictures and/or recordings for the purposes stated here.
Of course as with everything, we know many people might object to having their pictures taken for a variety of other reasons. The best thing is always to tell the photographer (who is a really nice person most of the time!) not to take your picture please. 99.99% of the time he will respect your wishes. The reason photographs are taken have been explained many times before in other blogs and in person to people who want to know. The only thing to add here is; just think of how you got to know about Africa Night! Mostly it is through seeing the pictures and the videos! Those people in those pictures and videos are not hired actors! They are real people at the same Africa Night as you! And please if you don’t like your picture taken, don’t be the first person to go on Facebook on Sunday or on Monday evening to check other peoples’ pictures!
The pictures are mostly intended to show the ambiance of Africa Night to others and to those who were present. The photographer record memories. The people we love the most are those who actually either go to the photographer beforehand to say please don’t take my pictures today or those who call the photographer and ask for their pictures to be taken. Those are the angels! If everybody would do that, we all would have beautiful photo shoots every month. What’s more, they are free!
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