Discover the joy of African music & dance!
The answers are in the questions!
The answers are in the questions!

The answers are in the questions!

“Would anyone even bother to read this blog with this kind of weather?”  That was the question on our mind as we started writing this blog. Would anyone care to read our annual complaint about the number of people missing Africa Night because of Ramadan? Would anyone agree with us that the Ramadan needs to be abolished? Would readers understand that the preceding statement was meant as a joke? Would anyone want to know those who came to Africa Night last Saturday still had loads of fun? That this goes to show busy does not always mean great and that fun is something to be created by yourself?

Would anyone care to know the reactions of the people when told that Africa Night will be starting not only in Den Haag but also in Belgium after the summer?  Would anyone care that apart from the regular Africa Nights we are also planning on introducing a matinee programme for people with children or those who cannot always make it to Africa Night? That this is so people can come and enjoy a bit of African culture, live music, information exchange, fashion and food?

Africa Night Tilburg June 2017 Africa Night Tilburg June 2017

Above all, would anyone care that some big changes are coming to how we organise Africa Night starting from the coming winter season? Would anyone care to know that these changes might include changes in structure and even personnel? Would anyone care to know that all of these changes are part of the rebranding and expansion going on with the mother organisation; Africa Night Productions? –>Click here to like us on Facebook!<–

Africa Night Tilburg June 2017 Africa Night Tilburg June 2017

Would anyone care to know that we are finally on Whatsapp now? That you can now directly ask questions relating to Africa Night on  +31650989243? (Save the number!) Would anyone care to know we are expecting all lovers of Africa Night to be present during  Africa Night Rotterdam this Saturday 24-06-2017?

Would anyone care to know we are so happy with everyone who has taken time to read this blog and all who support Africa Night one way or the other?